Landforce Will be Hiring for Crews Starting March 1st!
It’s almost that time of year again where we invite people to apply to be part of our Landforce crews! Our online application will be open from March 1 – March 31, 2018. Between those dates you will be able to apply here: http://www.landforcepgh.org/join-our-crew/apply-crew-member/. In the mean time, check out the job description so you know what to expect: http://www.landforcepgh.org/join-our-crew/what-to-expect/.
We are looking for candidates who have struggled to get where they want to be and are now ready to take on their next career step with passion and excitement. Whether you just got out of prison and need help figuring out next steps, or you have been working $7.50/hour jobs for several years and can’t seem to get ahead, or you lack substantial work experience and need an opportunity to prove yourself, apply to be a part of our team and we will provide support as you grow. Our most successful crew members came to us with a strong drive, a willingness to invest in their future, and a “do whatever it takes” attitude. If this sounds like you or someone you know, check back on March 1st for the application.
As we grow and improve every year, we can’t wait to see how our crew members flourish in 2018 while also improving our environment!

2017 Landforce Crew

2016 Landforce Crew